At first, my home smelled of sweetness and cinnamon and yumminess, all the smells that would make Paula Deen proud. Then the sugar goodness began to seep out of holes in the crimped crust and drip down to the coils and the smell turned to burnt sugar - acrid smoke filled the kitchen when I retrieved the pie from doom.
Fingers crossed that it had enough time to bake through . . .
Since the first of the new year, I have been reading Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin, the second of his "A Song of Ice of Fire" series. You may be more familiar with the name Game of Thrones series, thanks to HBO. For those of you that may have read the books, or enjoyed the show, you'll know what I mean when I tell you that the Imp is not only the best character in the books, but one of the best characters in literature. And those of you that know the stories know that you should not get to attached to characters, because inevitably something terrible will happen to your favorite.
It's a densely written and highly detailed drama and action filled yarn. Without giving too much away, suffice to say that many people have sex, many people are killed, and some magic and sorcery is thrown in for good measure. Its a unique story, a medieval fantasy in a far away land - one part Once and Future King and one part Lord of the Rings.
Right now, 1040 pages of dark magic, horrific bloodshed, political intrique, and lustful testosterone driven kings and paupers are occupying my nightstand tonight. With a little over 200 pages left to go, I can't wait to see how this second chapter ends. I am eagerly awaiting the second season of Game of Thrones.
As to the apple pie, the crust was a bit burnt . . . the oven is going to be miserable to clean . . . but the filling was an orgasm to my tastebuds!
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